The Noone Uniform shop is located in the Administration Building. The shop carries stock of all uniform items throughout the year and aims to assist all students to look their very best in complying with the
Please also refer to our guide that summarises the College's uniform items:
The Uniform Shop is open:
Monday 8.30am - 1.45pm
Wednesday 8.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday 8.30am - 4.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 1.45pm
To book an appointment at the uniform shop see here. Please book an appointment if any uniform requires sizing.
For current prices, please click here:
We notify students through the daily bulletin when the order is ready to collect. We do however encourage students to come in and do their own shopping where possible. The shop staff are happy and able to assist them, and items can be returned or exchanged if necessary. Recess and lunch are great times for this.
The shop also stocks staff uniform items and a range of additional College branded merchandise such as umbrellas. Preferred payment is by Cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard or Visa. A lay-by service is also available.
For students commencing at the school next year, we provide appointments over two weeks in late October/early November. We will contact all new families prior to making a suitable time. Uniforms are available to take home on the day, or you may leave them for collection in January.
Families new to the school during the year should call or email to make an appointment for a full fit-out on (03) 5722 2144 or
Cathedral College Wangaratta Uniform Shop
The CCW Shop is co-located with the Noone CCW Campus Shop in the Administration Building. The shop aims to assist our students in looking their very best by providing an avenue for re-selling uniform items in good condition and is an opportunity to purchase quality pre-loved items at very reasonable prices. All items for sale are clean and in good repair. As stock comes and goes continuously and quite quickly it is a good idea to call in and browse every now and then. We cannot offer exchange or return of second-hand items (although you are welcome to re-sell items).
We welcome uniform items in good condition that have been freshly laundered or dry cleaned, either as a donation or “on consignment,” where the proceeds of the sale, less commission, will be credited to your school fees account or directly to your bank account.