Our Anglican Identity

Our Anglican identity underpins all that we do and our focus is on developing the whole child, with a strong emphasis on pastoral care and wellbeing. We remain steadfast in supporting the academic, social and emotional growth of every student.

'Faith is invitational. We invite our students to deepen their own Christian convictions or plumb the depths of whatever faith tradition they come from and/or currently profess. Anglican schools have always understood that breadth of viewpoints is a strength of our communities'. - AngliSchools

'While anchored in our own tradition Anglican schools are diverse places that reflect the beliefs of the families and communities that they are drawn from. Anglican schools are welcoming places, enriched by the presence of those who practice other faiths as well as no faith. Anglican schools tell a particular story but ensure that the stories of others also will be heard and explored. By virtue of saying who we are, we allow others to do the same' - AngliSchools

The Importance of Worship at CCW
Chapel and RAVE classes

Our students participate in Chapel once a fortnight and attend a Religious and Values Education (RAVE) once a week from Prep to Year Eleven.

Please find below a paper written by The Reverend Dr Daniel Heischman titled Enhancing our Anglican Identity

Anglican Identity

Expressions of Anglican faith and worship are visible and at the heart of daily life at Cathedral College.

Cathedral College promotes and supports an environment of social inclusion and diversity.

Cathedral College is recognised and respected through its service to local and global communities

Anglican Schools Australia

Anglican Schools Australia (ASA) is a network of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia and includes several of the oldest schools in Australia as well as many recently established schools. ASA has both single-sex and co-educational schools as members.

Inspired by Christ, our core purpose is to support and serve Anglican schools in fulfilling their Christian Mission.

We operate by Gospel Values, emphasising:

Service - Supporting the needs of our member schools in the spirit of servant leadership
Inclusivity - Respecting the diversity of Anglican schools and their communities
Integrity - Being ethical, honest and transparent
Courage - Standing up for our beliefs
Justice - Acting justly and fairly
Generosity of Spirit - Treating others with love and kindness

ASA is led by a national Management Committee, comprising school principals, educational administrators and school chaplains. All states and the ACT are represented on the Committee.

One of our objectives is to 'achieve a stronger influence with government in matters affecting Anglican schools'. ASA advocates on behalf of Anglican schools with respect to key issues such as independent school funding, educational disadvantage, curriculum and chaplaincy in schools.

Our annual conference brings together Church leaders, school governors and educational administrators, principals, chaplains, senior staff and religious studies teachers to celebrate our schools and listen to leading speakers and thinkers on religious and educational issues.

(as cited from http://www.anglicanschoolsaustralia.edu.au/about_us.html, 2020)